Tuesday, 1 May 2012


I used to DJ, while using the computer and can't use everything on the computer so I don't DJ anymore. I can play bass and I have drums. I sold my old electric and acoustic guitars. I can play saxaphone, and piano. The first time I played piano was 2 or 3 weeks ago. It was a sunday and the family rented out the friendship centre in Holand, Manitoba, its just a little hall. There was a piano there, people were just starting to arrive so I sat down and started playing around, getting a feel for it. Then my aunt came up to me and asked how long I have been playing piano I said "Umm roughly 20 minutes" :P She ment for how many years. They were asking my dad how long I've been playing and that I'm pretty good. I heard them say Ray Charles a couple times and I was thinking *bummer I was going for Stevie Wonder*.  :P

 On an unrelated topic if you have any questions or suggestions comment them :]

"__" T.B.K. Brett.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, it's so awesome that you've got piano talent :) If you ever wanted a lesson I'd be happy to give you one.
    Question, are you learning braile? Just curious.

    ~Caity Maskiew
