Sunday, 2 June 2013


so this weekend i went down to notre dame and went to a social with my friend richie and it was an outside social so there were people everywhere and random picnic tables everywhere. with it being so packed i ran into alot of people i even bonked heads with some girls faces and some guys shoulders, but other than that richie helped me out awesomely.
richie is hilarious when it comes to my blindness because he knows i am good with jokes and love them, him an i were sitting in his basement and he was about to go for a shower but before he left he turned around and said "Wait don't move anywhere there are legos everywhere!!"i laughed for about twenty minutes.(if you dont get the joke it is because it is terrible to step on legos when you can see so you could imagine if you didnt see them coming and they were everywhere)
another time richie and i were at a party and some guys outside were talking to richie and said hey whos that douche bag with his sunglasses inside because i dont look blind and i dont use my cane in situations like that, then richie told them im blind so they felt really bad until they found out i love jokes and then they said we sould dress me up in some hot pink skinny jeans and a hot pink shirt and write on the shirt tell him he looks good and send him off to a party i thought that was hilarious.
and just so you know richie doesn't mean any of the jokes in a rude way they are all in good nature because i think they are funny too.

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